Leadership… it takes grit.
Apr 13, 2016
Grit… it’s a buzzword out there in the early childhood world. How can we help children with resilience and determination in the face of obstacles they tackle each day? Better yet, how can teachers and directors stay strong and positive as they tackle the challenges that are bound to come your way? Here’s an excerpt from an article in the March 2016 issue of Exchange Every Day
Leadership… “One of the more memorable moments of the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles was the entry of Swiss marathoner Gabriel Andersen-Schiess into the Los Angeles Coliseum. The crowd gasped in horror as she staggered onto the track, her torso twisted, her left arm limp, her right leg mostly seized. She waved away medical personnel who rushed to help her, knowing that if they touched her, she would be disqualified. The Los Angeles Coliseum crowd applauded and cheered as she limped around the track in the race’s final 400 meters, occasionally stopping and holding her head. At the completion of this final lap, she collapsed at the finish line and was rushed off by medics.
“When Anderson-Schiess entered the stadium, she was totally spent. What kept her going was her absolute unswerving determination to finish the first-ever Women’s Olympic Marathon. It was a dramatic demonstration of the importance of grit.
“Now, center directors do not perform in front of tens of thousands of cheering fans, but the challenges they face often require as much sheer grit. A director can have great expertise in finance, marketing, and supervision — and an ebullient, charismatic personality — but all this talent is for naught if she can’t hang in there when crises arise. Directors who cave into all the pressures end up overseeing programs that descend into mediocrity or worse, or they walk away from the profession. Directors who are resilient enough to struggle through immense challenges and come out on the other side, standing proud and tall, make a huge contribution to the lives of children, families, and staff.” (The Art of Leadership: What We’ve Learned, Bonnie and Roger Neugebauer, Exchange, March/April 2016)
You’ll find great information about the skills needed to build your own ‘grit’ in the leadership course, Being the Boss: Essential Skills for Leading Your Staff
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